Monday, October 7, 2013

Spirit inspired faith

Admittedly, a written sermon is never as inspiring as a sermon delivered live, but this is worth sharing. May your faith be sparked. Peace, Jennifer

Sermon on 2013.10.06

·        Grace, peace, and mercy to you from God, the Father, who is the source of faith, from Jesus Christ, who is the shape of our faith, and from the Holy Spirit, who continues to uphold us in our faith. Amen.
·        I want to start today by talking to you today about milestone moments of faith
o   What do I mean by a “milestone moment of faith”?
§  Those moments when you knew you believed, when faith was a solid a definite reality at that moment in your life, when you knew completely that you were a beloved child of God.
o   For me, I experience those moments with a handful of accompanying sensations. Perhaps you’ve had a similar experience.
§  A feeling of warmth that runs from the top of my head to the tips of my toes
§  Sometimes my fingertips tingle a little
§  Sometimes the hair on the back of my neck stands up.
§  In all those cases, I know, without a doubt, at that moment, that I am a beloved child of God
·        Not just intellectual assent but deep down, visceral recognition that I am a beloved child of God
o   Do you remember one of those moments?
§  What was that moment?
§  Your first communion?
§  Confirmation?
§  Maybe something mundane?
o   Sunday school story, Mrs. Brown – 3, with my parents, meet me in my pew, warm and welcoming, greet my parents, and take me with her, she’d hold my hand, while I don’t remember what she looked like, I remember the feeling of being found and chosen. I remember the feeling of her large hand enclosing mine with love and care, I remember her leading me while walking beside me, I felt so safe, and I was excited about the journey and the destination. I remember that she smelled sweet, and I remember the warm light of the sunshine coming through the windows shining around us.
o   Vance – first communion hand extension and correction by the pastor- a learning moment – we receive the body of Christ – we don’t take it – shapes his approach to communion to this very day
o   Some other milestones
§  Listening to a Bach cantata? Performing in a Bach cantata?
§  Maybe sitting with a close friend or family member during a time of grief or joy?
§  Serving at the MLM Christmas store?
§  Maybe you’ve had numerous experiences like this, and it’s too hard to pick just one
o   The point is that you remember that feeling, that all-over rush of warmth
§  Do you remember that feeling?
§  That’s certainty
§  That’s hope
§  That’s faith that is alive through the working of the Holy Spirit in you
§  Do you remember that feeling? The smells? The sounds? The textures? The sights? All of it. Do you remember?
§  [pause and give brief time to remember]
o   Now, I need you to set that memory aside for just a moment. We will be returning to that in just a moment.
o   But first we need to acknowledge that it is hard to live in that feeling all the time.
§  There are forces that constantly try to eat away at our faith, that try to erode it and make it smaller.
§  These forces try to extinguish that spark of faith that is so dear to each of us.
§  Some of the names that we have for these forces are fear, doubt, cynicism, and apathy. Perhaps you have names for some of these demons as well.
§  They constantly confront us and challenge our faith
§  They constantly seek our attention and try to become the loudest messages we hear
·        Fear says, “I can’t do it.”
·        Doubt says, “I’m not good enough.”
·        Cynicism says, “It doesn’t make a difference anyway.”
·        And apathy says, “Whatever.”
§  It’s very easy to listen to these forces, to give them an opportunity to take hold given their constant assault on us.
§  And in the process, it becomes easy to subordinate those moments of faith to the message of those forces of darkness, possibly even to forget those moments of faith altogether.
§  The real tragedy is that we then forget God’s promise to each us.
§  But God says, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
§  Remember that milestone moment of faith?
·        God, in the Holy Spirit, was there with you
·        God was there are that moment
·        God was there at your baptism, God is with you right now, and God will be with you all the days of your life to come, “even to the end of the age.”
·        God, in the Holy Spirit, is still at work in you keeping that spark of faith alive
·        Do you remember?
§  Imagine what it would feel like to remember that God’s words of promise are the final and ultimate words to us, that the forces of darkness are real, that the power the manifest is real, but that the word they speak is not final. Remember, God is the faithful one, and promises to be with us always.
o   Okay, it’s time to bring that faith memory back out.
o   Imagine what it would feel like to live every day dwelling in that milestone feeling of faith
§  What do you think that would be like?
§  Can you imagine it?
§  Can you imagine being moved by that spark of faith?
§  Can you imagine what it would be like to live with the constant remembrance that God is always with you?
o   Now comes the hard part of the sermon
o   I want you to consider your neighbor
§  The person next to you
§  The person in front of you, the person behind you, the person across the aisle, at the coffee table, in the parking lot, and the person you’ll meet on Tuesday afternoon
§  God is with them, too, always
§  The spark of faith is in them, too
§  The Holy Spirit is moving in them, too, keeping the spark of faith alive and glowing
§  More importantly, the Holy Spirit is moving in and through each of us to share that spark
§  The Holy Spirit is trying to ignite our faith and the faith of others into a fire of love – imagine – gentle blowing of the Spirit, I’ve seen my dad blow on campfire embers to coax a larger flame – not hard in order to extinguish, but slow and steady to give the fire oxygen
§  Just imagine what that would be like – if the Holy Spirit were gathering the faith we each bring together, and gently coaxing it to shine brightly, creating a warmth that can not be extinguished
o   So thinking about that person next to you, or behind you, or the one you’ll meet on Tuesday afternoon
§  How will they ignite your faith? And how will you ignite their faith?
§  Will you be ready for it? What will it be like?
§  Will it be a remembrance that you are a beloved child of God?
§  Will it be the sharing of the peace with one another?
§  Will it be spending time with them in grief or in joy?
§  Will it be with prayer?
§  It could just be another milestone moment of faith, for you or for them or for both.
o   Here’s what I imagine; here is what the Holy Spirit has ignited in me
§  I imagine that we look on one another, all of us, and see one another as beautiful and glorious children of God radiant in love
§  I image that we have put the demons of fear, doubt, cynicism, apathy, and any others that may assail us to rest
§  I imagine that we remember God’s promises always
§  I imagine that we all believe
§  And that means that I believe we are all gifted by the Holy Spirit
·        Gifted with a spirit of hope
·        Gifted with a fullness of faith that is not small like spark but that is a strong fire
·        And that we are gifted with a fire of love
o   A fire that lights the way for those in darkness
o   A fire that bakes the bread for those who are hungry
o   A fire that warms the hands and feet of those who are homeless
o   A fire that cleanses and purifies us of all that would keep us from God as we encounter God in one another
o   I imagine that we can be that fire of love
§  I believe we can be that fire of love.
§  I believe we can be that source of hope.
§  I believe we can be that wellspring of faith.
§  Most importantly, I believe we have that faith already.
o   The little children in Sunday school sing, “This little light of mine.”
§  They sing that they are “gonna let it shine.”
§  They sing that they are not going to hide it under a bushel.
§  They sing that they are not going to let the forces of darkness blow it out.
§  And they sing that they are going to shine their light all around the world.
o   I believe we can sing that song with full faith and confidence, and that we can sing it together in beautiful harmony
§  From the youngest to the oldest, from the first floor up to the balcony, from the pulpit side to the organ side, women and men, rich and poor, and all the various diverse ways in which we meet one another
§  All of us together, singing in harmony and praising God together.
o   I imagine and believe that when we all let our light shine together, when we all have this kind of faith together, we will be able to say to that mulberry tree, “Get up, walk, and be planted.”
o   And it will be done.
·        Let us pray
o   Almighty God, you are the architect of our faith. Quiet the forces of darkness that confront us. Keep us mindful of your promise to be with us always. Open our eyes and ears to witness your Holy Spirit at work calling each of us, calling from one another to one another in faith. And help us to believe in the strength of your faith in us. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray.

·        AMEN

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